Monday, January 12, 2009

January 2009 Update

Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe that 2009 is already here! I hope that you were able to spend the holidays with loved ones, and that you feel refreshed and ready to take on another year. I was able to be with my family for much of the holiday, and feel blessed that God has surrounded me with amazing people. It has helped me to prepare for an exciting new semester filled with change!

After evaluating my tenure with the Revolution, I realized haven’t done much over the past 8 years to multiply myself as a worship leader. I’ve carried the bulk of the load (gladly, as leading worship is my passion), and that has kept me from being intentional in multiplying my gift to another. So this semester, I have a goal to find a student who is passionate about worship, and equipping him or her to lead worship. I am very excited about this challenge, as I believe it will stretch me to become a better spiritual leader, and help me grow in transferring my musical knowledge to others.

My student house church has been going very well. We have a great amount of sophomores and freshmen, which is encouraging when thinking about the future of our group. This semester I am going to be very intentional with three guys in the group: Ryan Schoon, Taylor Sloan, and Kyle Riley. Ryan is a guy I’ve been working with for a couple of years now. Taylor is a freshman who shows some natural leadership skills. Kyle has been around for a few years, and shows a lot of desire to follow the Lord and be refined by Him. I’m excited to help these guys to grow up to be solid followers of Christ.

As a staff, we’re praying and working towards having at least 20 students attend our summer Leadership Training program (LT). We’re working to start a freshmen leadership group so we can raise up leaders for the future of our ministry. We’re working to be more intentional in recruiting students to consider going on staff with GCM for their careers.

It sure seems like God is stirring up something’s in my life, and in the church’s ministry, and it excites me. I always bring it back to the commission that Christ gave us:

18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." ~Matthew 28:18-20

As I journey through life this semester, I think of you and the support you’ve given me. There is nothing I can do to adequately thank you for enabling me to have the time to reach these students. It’s because of you and others like you that our ministry can exist, and we can touch the lives of hundreds of students. Thank you.

One of the greatest ways you can support our ministry is through prayer. Here are some key things that I would appreciate your prayers about:

  1. That I can faithfully seek the Lord’s will for my life, and the lives of those I am working with.
  2. That God would use us to reach the lost on this campus.
  3. That we could be effective in equipping students with a solid foundation in Christ and enabling them to be spiritual leaders.

Thank you again for all that you have done for me and this ministry.

God Bless,


  1. I always miss Bob Thompson led worship time. Whenever we sing a familiar old song at church I think, why aren't they playing it right! Ha! Be well. Dustin Winebrenner
